Paul Presented to the Centurion 21 Syndicate (Businesses Turning over Greater than $100 million) on September 3rd 2019

As always our presentations are designed for maximum value for participants rather than as dot points of information but the key points were:

1/ You can get better at forecasting the future in a way that can improve your strategy by:

  • Improving your own capacity (but in some ways the combination of skills for better forecsating and running a fair sized business are incompatible).
  • Choosing the right people in your organisation  to be involved (including in recruitment).
  • Having structured processes that improve organisational forecasting for strategic purposes.

2/ Improving situation awareness of the landscape you are operating in and might operate in is critical to practical foresight for strategy.

3/ Wardley maps are one methodoilogy for improving that situational awareness that can be very useful.